A person doing something very cool (for Jesus).
I've just realised something about Surfers for Jesus,
Christian Surfers,
and other such groups. I remember when I first heard about YWAMs
Surfers for Jesus, I thought, 'How cool! - Imagine becoming a cool
surfer so you can tell people about Jesus' But that's not the point.
These guys aren't choosing a cool lifestyle in order to appeal to other
equally cool people (is this a generalisation about surfers being
cool?). They are just telling people about Jesus in the situation that
they're already in. They are surfers, and they're doing it for Jesus.
They're not Christians looking for a cool route through life, they're
surfers looking for a Christian way of living life.
Which means
that I shouldn't be looking around to find cool things to do so that I
can entice people into Christianity through the cool route. Rather, I
should be doing what I already do for the sake of Christ. At this
moment in time, that means I should be doing the school run for Jesus,
changing nappies for Jesus, bottle feeding for Jesus, giving out pocket
money for Jesus ... and everything else I do should be for him too.
3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working
for the Lord, not for men". Whatever you do! Not, 'find something
cool to do for Jesus', but, 'whatever it is you already do, you should
be doing it for Jesus.' Do you ever find yourself thinking, 'what am I doing with my life?' We get into a
cycle of doing the same old thing, and then wonder if we could be living a much more
exciting life...
So when, like the guy who wrote Ecclesiastes,
we're thinking,
"Everything's boring, utterly boring -
no one can find any meaning in it.
Boring to the eye,
boring to the ear.
What was will be again,
what happened will happen again.
There's nothing new on this earth.
Year after year it's the same old thing." (The Message)
we need to remember that we should be doing everything for Jesus. What we're doing might not matter as much as who we're doing it for. We don't have to be doing the latest exciting thing before we can reach people for Jesus (although some people do always do the latest exciting thing, in which case they should be thinking about how they can do it for Jesus!) Maybe that's part of what being made holy is about. We're setting ourselves apart to work and live for Jesus. Our attitude changes from, 'What's in it for me?' to, 'what's in it for Him?'